Why Are My Teeth Sensitive To Sugar? Facing Similar Questions! Read On….

Dental toothpaste for sensitive teeth

You might have probably heard of people experiencing dental sensitivity after drinking anything extremely hot or cold. However, these are not only the cases. Sugar can also cause tooth sensitivity. If you enjoy the Sweet dish after a hearty dinner, you should be aware of the negative impact sugar intake causes on your teeth. Not only sweets but this could also be caused by flavored drinks as well. These sensations can also arise in your teeth due to cold air as well. If you have a sweet tooth but is sensitive to sweets, make sure to take care of your teeth alongside. The sweets will never perish but what if your teeth decay away! Continue reading to learn about the symptoms of dental sensitivity and how to treat it.

It is generally said, you are what you eat. But why restrain yourself from eating your favorite sweets which make you happy. Just remember to intake limited amounts so that it doesn’t harm your health. About your teeth, the best way to take care is using dental toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

What causes sugar sensitivity?

Enamel Degeneration: When your teeth lose their enamel, they become more sensitive to a variety of items, including sugar, as well as extremely hot or cold beverages or foods. Your teeth' enamel is the exterior layer that protects them from cavities and decay. However, if it begins to dissolve, you're more likely to develop tooth decay, so pay attention to any discomfort you may experience.

Brushing Too hard: Brushing too hard or using a toothbrush with excessively harsh bristles can wear away at your enamel. Choose a toothbrush that has gentle bristles. Brush lightly in a circular motion, not forcefully or straight back and forth across your teeth, whether you use a manual or electric toothbrush.

Tooth Decay: Sensitivity can be caused by any type of dental damage. Sensitivity to sugar developed as a result of physical injury to your teeth in an accident or while participating in sports. If you grind your teeth, you risk damaging them and wearing down the enamel, which can lead to increased sensitivity.

Cavities: Sugar sensitivity could entail more than just the loss of enamel. It could also indicate the presence of cavities in your teeth. If you experience tooth sensitivity, don't hesitate to tell your dentist. They may need to fill some gaps.

Teeth Whitening Procedures: Sugar sensitivity can be caused by some teeth whitening treatments. Unlike sensitivity caused by dental disease or enamel loss, this normally passes. 

Gingivitis (gum disease): Gum disease can be caused by plaque buildup. Tartar forms when plaque hardens on teeth. Gums can be irritated by tartar and plaque, resulting in due to the exposure of the tooth's roots, which contain nerve endings, inflamed, painful gum tissue can exacerbate tooth sensitivity.

Dental toothpaste for sensitive teeth

Toothpaste for sensitive teeth

If you have sensitive teeth or slight enamel loss, using a toothpaste that is specially designed to deal with these issues can be beneficial. Speaking of which, use this herbal-sensitive toothpaste from Purexa. It is one of the best dental toothpaste for sensitive teeth created with the goodness of natural ingredients.

Sensitivity toothpaste coats the tubules in the dentin of the teeth. These are microscopic tubes that run beneath the enamel and into the dentin layer of the tooth.

Tooth enamel that has been severely eroded may require dental bonding. A tooth-colored resin material will be fastened to your teeth if you get your teeth bonded.

If you have cavities, filling them will significantly reduce sensitivity.

Deep cleaning, scale, which involves removing plaque from your teeth, and antibiotics can all be used to treat gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Sensitivity following teeth whitening is usually only transient. For a few days, avoiding sweets as well as hot and cold liquids may be sufficient.

Other preventive measures you can include to avoid teeth sensitivity

Follow these tips to maintain your teeth healthy and avoid pain:

  • Avoid candies if you want to avoid cavities. 
  •  Quit smoking, vaping, or chewing nicotine products. 
  •  Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. 
  •  Floss your teeth regularly. 
  •  Maintain the habit of cleaning your mouth with mouthwash. 
  •  Rinse your mouth if you eat sugary foods or other high-carbohydrate items. 
  •  If you are fond of gums, switch to sugarless gums in case you have sensitive teeth.

Even after taking all the measures, if you still have a toothache that persists, consult your dentist. You could have an infection or a cavity that has to be treated. If you are having sensitivity because you've lost one of your fillings, don’t forget to make an appointment with your doctor. If you are experiencing pain or any other sensation that is bothering you or interfering with your daily routines, it is best to consult your doctor.
